Monday, February 14, 2011

Recommended Reading . . .

For those international readers who can't access Hulu. com, here's another way to get the facts about the spiteful incompetence of Italian Prosecutor Mignini.  Recommended Reading: “The Monster of Florence,” by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi.   Again, if you want to see the movie, try this link:

Amanda's next trial will begin on March 12. Currently, independent experts are retesting and re-examining the DNA and forensic evidence successfully used to by the prosecutor's office to convict her of the murder of her college housemate, Meredith Kercher. 

Through the efforts of Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi, the corrupt efforts and abuse of power exhibited by Prosecutor Mignini and his subordinates were exposed to the world.  These mediums demonstrate over 20 years of such behavior.  At best, we all know that dealing with the "justice system" in any country is a crap shoot; however, the corrupt and cavalier behavior of Mr. Magnini and the acceptance of it by the Italian courts beg for sympathy toward anyone who comes in contact with it. 

On this day of "celebration of love," think about Amanda Knox who happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time with her boyfriend of 2 weeks, Raffaele Sollecito. The consequences of such seemingly inconsequential behavior are that now Amanda sits in a jail cell, incarcerated for a crime that, based upon the evidence, neither you nor I could have been convicted of in the United States - in spite of our "broken" justice system.  Notes of encouragement and support may be sent to:

Amanda Knox
Casa Circondariale Capanne
06132 Perugia Italy

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