Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random thoughts ...

Random thoughts this morning ...Now, after all these years, what does Zsa Zsa Gabor think about her six-week marriage to George Sanders after her sister divorced him?

On another note, this poor 94-year-old woman looks at her current husband, who is age 67 and claimed to be the father of Anna Nichole's Smith's baby, and having had her right leg amputated 2 -1/2 weeks ago still continues the struggle of life.  Kind of makes  you realize that most of us ordinary folks have it better in many ways. I guess having been divorced for many years now, still walking on 2 legs and knowing exactly what children were fathered by my ex-husband - before and after my marriage -  I'll just keep writing in my little mountain hideaway.  It could be worse.

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