Monday, February 21, 2011

Writing Tip of the Day: In the Words of Geoffrey Chaucer ...

I've had the pleasure of watching small-town fools several times in my life - you know, the ones that will talk to you as long as they can ask the questions, but when you reply with a question for them, they get very quiet.  After putting them in their place, many times they will just glare back at you because they can't think of anything else to do to try to intimidate someone. Small-town gossips are nothing but transparent fools.  Kind of like Gladys Kravitz in "Bewitched," they peep out the blinds of their front windows stupidly thinking that they they can't be seen - or are so arrogant they fool themselves into thinking that no-one catches on to their transparency.  But, the good news is that they are great fodder for characters in your writing.

Having just met, a woman asked whose wife I was so she would be able to identify me. I've never placed my identity under the veil of marriage - how stupid is that?  I've watched people who think that their maiden names are forgotten, lose weight/gain weight, "marry up" or "marry down" while ignorantly thinking they can change their character - all of it again, very transparent.  Notice that I said "character" - not "personality."  Old habits die hard.

Here's another example: I once knew a vanity publisher who was extremely proud of herself for "not publishing anything that had cuss words in it" - because she was such a good "Christian." The joke was that when she heard a piece of gossip about someone or wanted to know more about them, she set up a circle of people to ask her questions for her.  She may not have used cuss words, but her gossip was just as malicious and sinful as if she did.  She was one of the worst gossips in town - and just as transparent as the others.  Nobody was fooled by her - and those that lived in the same town gossiped about her as well.  We all knew who her little "disciples" were - because as second-hand messengers they were even more transparent.  She and her disciples were the making of a specific scene in one of my recent manuscripts.  If Lillian Hellman had known her, she would have modeled "Regina" in "The Little Foxes" after her - instead of her grandmother.

Here's the funny part - these kind of people are dumb enough to think their secrets never get out.   That's when they really make fools of themselves. Recently, I addressed a certified business letter to someone that included her maiden name from 20+ years ago.   You see, just like I posted on Twitter - the beauty of small towns is that every body knows your name and your history.  There are those that would like to forget from whence they came, and there are others who won't let them.

Now don't get me wrong - I've also had some very pleasant experiences with people in small towns.  Not every "native" has been so petty.  In fact, there are a few that I go out of my way to associate with - mostly because they've had the experience of living somewhere else and coming back to their small towns later in life - having learned how to treat people along the way.

There's this much about it ... when I'm sitting in the library, coffee shop, attending book clubs or whatever,  I'm also making notes.  That's what writers do.

The bottom writing line is that "people will always be people," but  Geoffrey Chaucer got it right when he noted the  "just desserts" method of preserving those exhibiting insideous behavior as "skewered on the immortal page."
**This post was included in approx. 10,000 GA newsletters on fiction/nonfiction writing. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who's the REAL "Monster of Florence?"

Book Review – “The Monster of Florence,” by Douglas Preston with Mario Spezi

Knowing the evidentiary flaws that continue to be uncovered in the Amanda Knox case in Perugia, Italy, I selected this particular publication for my first book review.

This non-fiction book, published by Hatchette Book Group USA, details the efforts to capture a serial killer of young-romantic and sexually-active dating couples in Florence, Italy. In a city known for its art, Catholicism, and underlying Mafia dominance, the egregious actions of the Italian prosecutor’s office in producing questionable secret witnesses, accusations of reporter/author involvement in other alleged murders, inadequate and substandard evidence cannot be ignored. Couple this with the subsequent arrests of journalists who uncovered the investigative flaws and inconsistencies, and you’ll find the common thread in this well-documented history of the murders of the eight young couples featured in “The Monster of Florence.”

More than one “Monster” suspect, convicted by Italian Prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, was later acquitted due to insufficient or complete lack of evidence. Giuliano Mignini is the same prosecutor who successfully convicted Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the murder of Meredith Kercher.

Co-author, Douglas Preston, is a former writer and editor for the American Museum of Natural History, writing professor at Princeton University and author of several works published by The New Yorker magazine, Natural History, National Geographic and The Atlantic among other prestigious publications.

Accompanying Mr. Preston in his non-fiction journalistic product is Mario Spezi, known for his investigation coverage of many of the most important criminal cases in Italy, including those involving terrorism and the Mafia. Mr. Spezi was one of the primary investigators of the Monster of Florence case at its very inception.

Both of these authors have done an exceptional job in documenting and relaying the facts of this ongoing investigation. To date, the real “Monster of Florence” has never been clearly identified.

Chronicling the murders of 16 young people over three decades, explicit detail and explanation is given on every page regarding victims, crime scenes, speculation of suspects, investigative techniques, sufficient or insufficient evidence, prosecution and acquittal through the appeal process of five different “Monsters.” The first of which was a 40-year-old ambulance driver and the last, Francesco Calamandrei, an ex-pharmacist who was accused of being the mastermind behind five of the double homicides. Mr. Calamandrei suffered 10 years of investigative, prosecutorial, imprisonment and acquittal processes before being released.

Characteristic trademarks of the serial homicides included coupled victims making love in remote areas adjacent to Florence, executed by a 22-caliber gun shot wound, with the surgical excision and taking of the female’s reproductive organs. On one specific occasion, a piece of the most recent female victim was mailed to Prosecutor Silvia Della Monica, who immediately resigned from the investigation. There was more than one theory as to why she really resigned.

Appearances of the crime scene and bodies caused investigators to formulate many premises for the killings ranging from one serial killer who acted alone, to a criminal mastermind and his assistants, and further yet, related to satanic cult rituals. FBI profiles were sought by Italian officials, and then later rejected. Shell casings and 22-caliber bullets, either used or unused, were the common evidence denominators among all 16 homicides. In Mr. Calamandrei’s trial, a single, but unused, 22-caliber bullet was offered as evidence – believed by many to have been planted. If the bullet had been actually fired, unique and characteristic identifying strike marks could have been used for comparison to those in other murders.

Of five successful prosecutions, three were overturned for lack of evidence, leaving only Mario Vanni and Giancarlo Lotti imprisoned as assistants of convicted “Monster” Pietro Pacciani.

Secret witnesses named “Alpha,” “Beta,” “Delta,” and “Gamma” with backgrounds ranging from being mentally challenged to professional pimps and prostitutes were used by the prosecution team for its successful convictions. Although Giancarlo Lotti initially confessed to assisting Mr. Pacciani in the crimes, he was also used as secret witness “Beta.” One “serial witness” prosecution witness began to recall previously unknown details of murders in past decades.

Charged with “making false statements to the public minister, for the crime of ‘calumny’ in an attempting to frame an innocent person for a crime, defamation by means of the press, and interference with an essential public service” by Prosecutor Mignini, co-author and investigative journalist, Mario Spezi was arrested, detained, and tried by the Tribunale of Reexamination. This is simply a court that examines the reasons for imprisonment before trial. Twenty-three days later, Spezi, speaking in his own behalf was able to demonstrate that Mignini’s parroted argument for his continued incarceration and subsequent conviction came from a conspiracy website identifying the Order of the Red Rose as the satanic sect behind the Monster murders. She also accused Mario Spezi of being the true Monster of Florence. The inconsistencies of Mignini’s investigations were again exposed, and Mario Spezi was released.

In the end, Chief Inspector Michele Giuttari, and Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini were indicted and successfully prosecuted on charges of “falsifying evidence” and “abuse of office.”

Earlier this week, Curt Knox and Edda Mellas, the parents of Amanda Knox, were ordered to stand trial in the city of Perugia for “libeling the police” - charges very similar to those pressed against Mario Spezi. Seeking more documented detail of past behavior by Ms. Knox’s continued adversary, Italian prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, I borrowed this book from my local public library. I have received no incentive, compensation or reward from anyone for reviewing it.

Revealing the factual undue strengths and weaknesses of the Italian justice system and its officials, I found it to be excellent and well worth my reading time investment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Recommended Reading . . .

For those international readers who can't access Hulu. com, here's another way to get the facts about the spiteful incompetence of Italian Prosecutor Mignini.  Recommended Reading: “The Monster of Florence,” by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi.   Again, if you want to see the movie, try this link:

Amanda's next trial will begin on March 12. Currently, independent experts are retesting and re-examining the DNA and forensic evidence successfully used to by the prosecutor's office to convict her of the murder of her college housemate, Meredith Kercher. 

Through the efforts of Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi, the corrupt efforts and abuse of power exhibited by Prosecutor Mignini and his subordinates were exposed to the world.  These mediums demonstrate over 20 years of such behavior.  At best, we all know that dealing with the "justice system" in any country is a crap shoot; however, the corrupt and cavalier behavior of Mr. Magnini and the acceptance of it by the Italian courts beg for sympathy toward anyone who comes in contact with it. 

On this day of "celebration of love," think about Amanda Knox who happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time with her boyfriend of 2 weeks, Raffaele Sollecito. The consequences of such seemingly inconsequential behavior are that now Amanda sits in a jail cell, incarcerated for a crime that, based upon the evidence, neither you nor I could have been convicted of in the United States - in spite of our "broken" justice system.  Notes of encouragement and support may be sent to:

Amanda Knox
Casa Circondariale Capanne
06132 Perugia Italy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Greed and Its Personalities

Over the past three years the US has experienced a complete financial meltdown of many banking and investment institutions unlike any other in the world. Sometimes the reasons for financial collapse of an organization can be laid at the feet of its key personnel and other times not. And on contrast, many times the egregious actions of important players in their own overall financial picture gives more than an opportunity for ponder and pause. Most often, fast and easy money seems to be the motivation for such conduct. Many psychologists suggest that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is common among those who exhibit behavior motivated by financial greed. There is a consensus of opinion that this particular disorder is manifested by rendering the host body and brain impotent to act in any other fashion except one for its own benefit regardless of how strong the protest. Not always does the punishment fit the crime.

Here are a few examples:

Winifred Jiau – Arrested in December, 2010, for allegedly selling inside information to three hedge funds and receiving $200,000 as payment through her employer, Primary Global Research LLC. She is the seventh person associated with Primary Global to be charged in a US insider-trading investigation. Ms. Jiau was employed as an expert-networking consultant and was arrested in Fremont, California. She is currently awaiting trial.

Michael Milken – As a result of an insider trading investigation, Mr. Milken, was indicted on 98 counts of securities fraud and racketeering in 1989. Described as the epitome of Wall Street greed in the 1980’s, in 1990 he pled guilty to six securities and reporting violations through a plea bargain. As a result, he was never convicted of racketeering or insider trading. Originally sentenced to ten years in prison, he was given a reduction in prison time for turning state’s evidence and good behavior, and was released in less than two years.

Currently Mr. Milken is described as a philanthropist, medical research innovator and financier for a non-profit, non-partisan economic think tank with an estimated net worth of US$2 billion in 2010.

Kenneth Lay – (04/15/42 – 07/05/06) Mostly remembered for his role in the Enron corruption scandal and found guilty in ten out of 11 counts of securities fraud, with an impending sentence of ten to 15 years per count. Mr. Lay died while on vacation in Snowmass, Colorado approximately three and a half months before sentencing.

Martha Stewart – American business mogul with capital ventures in broadcasting, merchandising, and publishing. She was convicted in 2004 of lying to investigators concerning the sale of her shares of ImClone Systems stock – a transaction which resulted in her successful avoidance of a financial loss of over $45,000. Supposedly she had been given inside information on this particular stock’s devaluation set for the very next day.

Ms. Stewart was incarcerated for five months, with a subsequent status of serving a two-year term of supervised release. Five of the 24 months were stipulated as strict in-home confinement and electronic monitoring through a GPS device worn around her ankle. There were other conditions for her early release including remaining employed and not associating with people who had criminal records. Ms. Stewart served her in-home confinement at her home in Bedford, New York. Her other residence, located in Seal Harbor, Maine is the former estate of Edsel Ford. Two years after her release from prison, her net worth was estimated at US$638 million.

Richard S. Fuld, Jr. – Most widely known as the Chairman and Chief Executive officer of Lehman Brothers, a publicly held financial services firm and primary dealer in the US Treasury securities market. Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in 2008 after creating worldwide investment financial instability through questionable accounting practices.

Transferring the deed of his Florida mansion to his wife for $100 in 2008, Mr. Fuld sought to protect this residence from potential legal actions. He had purchased it in 2004 for over US$13.5 million. After joining a New York-based hedge fund group, Matrix Advisors in 2009; by early May, 2010, he was listed as a registered employee of Legend Securities.

Evidence of Incompetent/Vindictive Behavior by Amanda Knox's Prosecutors

Amanda Knox's original prosecutor, Guiliano Mignini, has quite a history of incompetence, prosecution efforts of suspects without evidence, and indictments against journalists who criticize him. Convicted of felony charge, "Abuse of Power," this Italian official suffers a loss of no freedoms, during his appeal, in spite of receiving a sentence of 16 MONTHS.

With no DNA evidence against Ms. Knox (now serving the 4th year of a 26-year sentence), see for yourself how this prosecutor used Amanda to try to ressurect his reputation:

Random thoughts ...

Random thoughts this morning ...Now, after all these years, what does Zsa Zsa Gabor think about her six-week marriage to George Sanders after her sister divorced him?

On another note, this poor 94-year-old woman looks at her current husband, who is age 67 and claimed to be the father of Anna Nichole's Smith's baby, and having had her right leg amputated 2 -1/2 weeks ago still continues the struggle of life.  Kind of makes  you realize that most of us ordinary folks have it better in many ways. I guess having been divorced for many years now, still walking on 2 legs and knowing exactly what children were fathered by my ex-husband - before and after my marriage -  I'll just keep writing in my little mountain hideaway.  It could be worse.